Sep 1, 2023Liked by Siloh Radovsky

Siloh, I loved this so much. And such lovely thoughts and reflections on our Sundae School experience. So much resonance.

I leave you with a little thought I've been having: I've noticed my ADHD symptoms ramp up over the course of this summer. Perhaps I am reaching for a cleaner story to help me make sense of it than there actually is, but I have wondered if part of that ramping is a response to the "utopian authenticity" of the group learning and teaching experience. Not unrelated to the double exhaustion you felt returning back to the day job. For me, Sundae School felt like experiencing a concentrated dose of the quality of experience I wish my whole life was structured around. So going back to regular life has a deflation to it. I'm not exactly sure what the connection to the adhd mind is but maybe it has to do with the element of scattered-ness as response to trying to locate genuine interest / manufacture stimuli (therefore/in order to garner the necessary motivation for task completion) around life tasks that simply don't feel to hold actual meaning.

anyways, thank you <3

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Siloh Radovsky

Thank you so much for this - what you wrote about the internet and social media and community and creativity feels close to my heart - I've been thinking/feeling about this tangle a lot lately but have been able to articulate very little about how difficult (and exhausting!) it feels trying to balance/navigate it. You express it beautifully and thoughtfully and with integrity, and I'm really grateful.

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